What is Divine Feminine energy?
What is divine feminine energy?
If you’ve found yourself scrolling through feminine empowerment content on Instagram, you’ve probably come across someone talking about the “divine feminine energy”. But the concept of this sacred feminine energy is way more than a new buzz word within the wellness field. The truth is, this energy has been repressed for ages and there’s a reason you see the hype everywhere today. It’s because it’s very much needed right now, just take a look at what’s going on in our world with war, exploitation of earth and our patriarchal societies with mostly white men in positions of power. We need to restore the harmonic balance between masculine and feminine energy within ourselves, but also in our societies.
Even if the word “feminine” may inherently make us think of the gender binary, divine femininity isn't all about gender, but rather about energy. So what then does it mean when we talk about this sacred or divine feminine energy. Let’s do a little back-pedaling to begin with. First, in terms of energy, we know that everything is energy and that we are energetic beings. We all hold both masculine and feminine energy, despite of our gender. The Divine Feminine is an energy, which cannot necessarily be seen or heard, but she can be felt.
This divine feminine energy exists in all living beings on earth, including the ocean, moon, and earth. This energy is also known as shakti, yin, and lunar energy, and is often connected symbolically to the moon, Gaia (Mother Earth), and water. Her energy is loving, abundant, creative, nurturing, soft, grounded and she holds firm boundaries. She is intuitive and her energy is flowing. This energy of the divine feminine is also embodied in basic archetypal patterns that exist in all cultures — the Mother, the Virgin/Maiden, the Medicine Woman Healer/Witch/Sorceress, and the Wise Woman/Crone. Archetypes are universal patterns of energy found in the collective unconscious.
As I mentioned, we live in a world where the divine feminine energy has been oppressed. We see this in many different forms, not just in how our governments are led (with the exception of Finland having five female women in lead), but also with how we are treating our planet. There is clearly an imbalance that is earning to be healed. The call to unleash the divine feminine is a deep calling in our souls to step forth, to align with this energy and heal the wound of the oppression. This is why embracing the sacred feminine is an essential contribution to the healing and transformation of the world. You have to start with healing yourself before you can heal or help anyone else, you cannot simply pour from an empty cup (see my funny instagram reel for this).
But how do we then heal or align with this divine feminine energy?
Start with feeling yourself. Ask yourself questions, such as “how am I nurturing myself?” but also, “how I am neglecting myself”. Set firm and healthy boundaries to put yourself first.
Pic: Johanna Keto Photography
A deeper connection with your body and sensuality. Sensuality is not only sexuality, but also creativity. How can you tap into this creative force that lives within you? How can you bring more playfulness into your life? Movement is medicine, what can you do today to connect deeper with your body.
If you’re a woman, become aware of your cyclical nature and learn about your internal ebbs and flows.
Allow yourself to receive. The feminine energy is abundant in nature, you don’t need to compete in order to get what you want. Be you. Be authentic. Be open to receiving.
Feminine energy is all about connecting in circles with others. How can you connect with your community, how can you find a new partnerships, collaborations and teamwork?
Tap into your intuition. We are all intuitive beings by nature. What does your inner wisdom centre tell you? What is your way of being intuitive (there are four main ways: clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), claircognizance (knowing), clairsentience (feeling)?
How do you nurture your feminine side? Do you find yourself constantly just doing doing doing? Feminine energy is not linear, it has its rhythms and cycles, just like nature does. You can not demand yourself to perform 100% everyday in the same way, nor does nature do this. Understanding and learning more about this energy has resulted in more compassion and kindness towards myself. If you’re curious to learn more about feminine energy, I truly recommed picking up the book “Women who run with the wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estés.
I’d love to hear from you, how do you align with this energy?