Hunter's Full Moon Cacao Ceremony & Sound Bath, October 8th, Pranama Kallio
Journey with the spirit of Cacaocita and the resonance of sacred sounds
Throughout eons of time, peoples across the world have worshipped the moon and gathered to celebrate it. Each phase of the moon’s cycle has a unique visual characteristic and spiritual meaning. Full moons represent completion, fulfilment and fruition, whereas new moon represent initiation and new beginnings.
Traditionally the full moon and the new moon are considered to be the most potent phases to align with the moon. This specific Full Moon is called Hunter’s Full Moon, as it is the time of year when hunters begin collecting food and storing it for the long and cold winter months ahead.
Cacao originates from the Mayas and Aztecs in Central and South America and has been used for thousands of years to heal and connect with the divine. She has been used as a medicine for both physical and spiritual healing and is becoming popular in yoga communities worldwide because of her powerful ability to assist us in gently opening up our hearts and awakening us to our true nature. La Cacaocita helps us in releasing what no longer serves us and clarify our desires, as well as in connecting with ourselves. Ceremonial cacao comes from a rare bean that makes up less than 5% of the world’s cacao production – the criollo bean.
Disclaimer: I learned about Cacao during my years living in Nayarit, Mexico (2012-2018) and want to share the magical experience of ceremonial cacao due to its heart opening properties. I believe we can all heal and learn from this plant, however it’s important to understand the history and legacy of cacao ceremonies as Western people. Cacao ceremonies originally served as religious rituals for the ancient Native Mesoamerican cultures and I will talk about the history a little bit in the beginning of the event. I don’t claim myself as a shaman or healer of any sort, I am simply a space holder and want to serve by opening a space for deeper connection, heart expansion and wisdom from within with aid of this sacred plant.
The knowledge that sound affects the health and state of the mind and body is not new. Sound has been utilized in many cultures for thousands of years as a healing tool. A Sound bath is a deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nourish, rejuvenate and balance your mind, body and spirit.
The event will start with the drinking of the cacao within a ceremonial space for us to land physically, energetically and mentally. Cacao increases blood flow to the heart and is a beautiful and gentle, heart healing medicine that can help bring clarity where we are feeling unclear, stuck or out of balance. We will then allow the medicine to further travel into our heart space through a few heart opening poses, and lastly we will drop into our sound healing journey for receiving. Finally there’s a chance to pick an intuitive message from the various oracle decks.
📅 Time: October 8th, 16.00-18.00
📍Space: Pranama Kallio, Kolmas Linja 28
✨Investment: 45€
🤎Avoid caffeine, dairy and big meals on the day.
🤎If possible, avoid alcohol the day before.
🤎Stop eating at least 2 hours prior to ceremony, if possible.
🤎 Hydrate well.
Book your spot below
*Pre-registration required, as spots are limited. Please respect that uncanceled spots (less than 48hours before) will be invoiced*