my life, spirituality, travels and more
My first poem online
Making peace with the past - a poem by me (my very first online poem).
There is so much, yet somehow nothing to say.
It all took me where I am today.
The tears. The loss. The pain.
I know, it was never in vain.
Forever within me it will stay.
And in all honesty I don’t even want it to go away.
Because even if I broke,
and wanted to choke.
I somehow found my way home.
To my safe little dome.
The space that is within me.
I learned to to see.
The power that I hold.
It made me bold.
Now I am strong,
and I know I’ve also done things wrong.
This is not to blame.
This is not to shame.
And it sure the hell is not a game.
I needed you, the past.
You helped me cast,
The path that I am on now.
So let me just say wow and
Thank you.
Picture by Vuokko Salo in Sayulita, Mexico
Vision boarding and the Law of Attraction
I want to write about something that is very close to my heart and about a practice I do using the universal laws and this is creating a vision board. Law of attraction is real and for those of you who has experienced it, know exactly what I mean. Like attracts like and thoughts become things. Where you put your focus will appear in front of you. Energy flows where intention goes.
Think about it the other way around too, imagine you’re having one of those sucky days where everything simply goes south. One thing after the other, it’s almost like a joke and at the end of the day you’re not even surprised when something else shitty happens to you. This too, is the result of the universal law of like attracts like. When you constantly focus on the negative, guess what you’re attracting more of: more negativity. So this luckily works both ways. When you focus on the good stuff guess what you’re drawing to you, yup, more good stuff. And this universal law is the key that works with creating a vision Wether you believe in the law of attraction it is constantly working. Every thought, action and word has a frequency and is sent out to the universe. The universe will then respond by matching your thoughts, intentions, words, affirmations or actions. The thing is, time is a tricky one to understand, so there might not be an immediate result, but at some point that energy you put out will come back to you in a way or another.
So what is a vision board. A vision board is first and foremost a tool you can use to your benefit that uses this universal law. It is a collection of images, words and phrases that you feel drawn to or that somehow represent what you want to bring forth in your life. I’ve made several vision boards in my life and I am always surprised at how the universe will find interesting ways on how it brings forth these things in my life. It’s a magical feeling when you notice that something you’ve put in your board suddenly presents in your life. What do you have to loose really? Give it a try!
So how do you make a vision board? If you didn’t join me and Jonna Monola for our vision board workshop, worry not, I will spill the beans and share this magical little practice with you. All it takes is a little bit of time, some dedication, a pair of scissors, glue and a big pile of magazines. Before you start your little arts and crafts extravaganza I recommend getting quiet, putting on some relaxing music, meditating so that you can get clear on your hearts deepest desires and what is it that you want to bring forth in your life. Ask yourself; “If I had a magic wand, what would my life look like”? Other questions might be; what would your days look like, how would you feel, what would your living situation be, what would your home look like, what about your relationship, your body? Then I recommend writing these things down and then lastly start browsing through your magazines and looking for images and phrases that speak to you or that somehow match what you want to manifest. When going through the magazines you’ll very often even find more images and words that you want to include. Let this part be fun and intuitive. Once you feel like you’ve gathered enough material you can start gluing them on to a piece of cardboard. Once you feel ready with your board I recommend placing it somewhere you can see it as often as possible. The more visible it is to your brain, the more you’re sending these signals to your brain subconsciously and consciously and of course to the universe and somehow these creating magical situations and things of your dreams start becoming reality. What are you waiting for? Start now.
A vision board example, not mine.
Go make yours now!
Con amor,
Friends with businesses: Cosmic Collage by Lori Menna
Meet Lori Menna, a graphic designer based in La Cruz, Nayarit originally from Philadelphia. Lori is a talented artist who has lately been working on a creative project called Cosmic Collage. Cosmic Collage is a collection of stunning pictures she embellishes into vibrant images that invite you into another world. Her inspiration stems from the mystical world we live in, sacred geometry as well as other dimensions.
You can currently find her art in Sayulita in Zafiro Shop, Don Pedro's Restaurant and Calaverita de Mita in Punta de Mita. Her art is also available in her online store. She recently started crafting Cosmic Collage pendulum boxes and journals. I've been lucky enough to be featured in some of her spectacular pieces and it goes without saying, I am completely obsessed with her artwork and the ravishing colors and concepts.
Lori has also created my logo, my business card and a flyer for my website and company. You can see hints of her cosmic collage style in my company look combined with the Flower of Life along with my favorite color; purple. I am very grateful for her work and for using me in her artwork. I sat down with Lori and asked her a few things about her art and about where she gets her inspiration and how she ended up doing what she is doing. Enjoy the art and make sure to also check her out on IG under the handle @cosmicollage.
Q: What is your background and how did you end up in Mexico?
A: It was 2008 in San Diego when I made the decision to move to Mexico. I had already started my migration south from Philadelphia. After several visits, I began to tell my coworkers, friends and family that I was packing up my Volkswagen convertible beetle and driving down to Sayulita to live. I was in love of course. It was the sunshine, the waves, the ceviche & cervezas, the warmth of the sea and it was the life I wanted. It wasn't exactly an easy task explaining and convincing most, but I did it and I don't regret it for a second!
Q: What is Cosmic Collage?
A: Cosmic collage is a fantasy world that I've created that invokes a surreal and dreamlike wonder. It is a window into another dimension. My intention is to alleviate some of the heaviness that's going on in the world and make a contribution of beauty and light.
Q: Where do you get your inspiration for Cosmic Collage?
A: I am inspired by the great mystery of life, fractals in nature and sacred geometry. I am drawn to the healing patterns of indigenous people. My ideas and visions come to me in mediation. My creativity is something that travels through me, it is a gift from the spirit world. I create when I am open receive a natural flow of spiritual and creative energy.
Q: What kind of creative patterns, routines or rituals do you have?
A: Daily meditation, Ceremonies and Plant Medicine are a big part of my life. I practice lucid dreaming. I wake up in the middle of the night a lot and create or write down my ideas. I make sure that I spend time everyday creating something that is apart from my job as a web/graphic designer.
Q: Do you remember the time when you first realized that creating was something you had to do?
A: As a child I was always creating. I knew that was my outlet and that I would pursue it at a very young age of 7 or 8.
Q: What’s your favourite thing you’ve ever created?
A: My children, Oliver and Claudia and our home full of Love and color.
Q: What superpower would you have and why?
A: I would rid the earth of GMO’s, I would stop drilling and fracking, I would clean the plastic from the oceans and the toxins from the rivers.
Q: What is your dream project?
A: My dream project is to clean up the soil and the land in the town that I grew up in from cancer causing toxins, to rebuild the school and give back hope to the children that live there.
Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
A: To trust and surrender.
Q: Professionally, what’s your goal?
A: I would like to have some books of images published, I would love to work on an animal spirit deck and master plant deck. I would love to see large installations in hotels and homes all over the world.
Muchas gracias Lori <3