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10 things you can do right now to feel better + learn the energetics of the situation
10 things you can do right now to feel better + learn the energetics of the situation
Did you know the word ‘Corona’ translates to Crown?
The seven chakras of our energetic body.
The crown of your head is the highest part of your physical body, but the same applies to energy. If you’re unfamiliar with the subtle body, it consists of 7 primary chakras, or energy fields (the word ‘chakra’ translates to wheel and refers to how the energy moves and spins in the energy center).
These chakras are all connected to different areas and aspects of ourselves, our physical bodies and our lives. All of these correspond to functions of different organs. The chakra system runs along the spine and is connected to our nervous system. The first primary chakra is located at the base of our spine and is connected to our sense of survival, our home, our finances and everything we need in our lives in order to feel stable, grounded and supported. The second energy center, located by the reproductive organs, is connected to creation, creativity, sensuality and sexuality. The third energy center is linked to our ego, our core, our sense of self and sits in our solar plexus. The fourth is the heart center, our center for love. The fifth energy center i connected to expression, communication and truth, located at the throat. The sixth sits between our eyebrows and is connected to vision, intuition and wisdom. And the seventh and last one is our sense of unity, belonging, connection. The seventh and last chakra is considered to be the highest chakra representing higher consciousness and unity. You can think of it more as WE energy instead of a ME mindset. It’s what brings us all together and connects us all into one. Interestingly enough, this virus also carries its name.
For a long time already, humanity has been dormant and in darkness. Blindsided to our own greed, actions and choices, we’ve reached a point where our planet is hurting. Here’s the thing, everything is energy and everything has its tipping point. The energy we all hold individually also gathers and forms together into what is called a collective consciousness. This collective consciousness holds our shared beliefs, thoughts and ideas. This collective consciousness has been napping, for well, quite some time now. But now, we’re being told to wake the *insert whatever strong word of your liking* up in a very real way, that surely affects us all in some way or form. The coronavirus is on everyone's lips and minds right now. We’re all talking about the myriad of ways of how it’s touching our lives and worry for our health, finances and the insecure future. As horrible as the situation might feel, this is also an opportunity for change and to become united.
When you think of the virus from an energetic point of view, one could say it pierces through our heart center, both through how it actually affects the people who get sick and also through causing anxiety (that is often felt in the chest through heart palpations or pressure) for many others. In a more Western view we know that the virus attacks the lungs. We know that the virus spreads through touch and physical closeness. These are also aspects of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is connected to the element of air, our lungs and breathing. The sense that is connected to the heart chakra is our sense of touch and the virus also spreads through both the air and through our biggest organ, our skin, again, both connected to the heart center. Emotions that are connected to the heart chakra are; grief, sadness, compassion, love, joy and balance.
And clearly we’ve been living out of balance for a long time already. When this energy enters our hearts it drops down to the root chakra, where many of us might feel compromised currently. We feel a rush of fear take over, as our root chakra is connected to our adrenal glands and to our sense of survival. It’s interesting when you think of people’s reactions and how their primal instinct is to hoard toilet paper and groceries, which are all very basic needs. A primitive reaction, but very understandable when you think at it from an energetic point of view.
In yogic philosophy we are taught how the Kundalini energy sits at the base of our spine and by rising it up to the crown chakra we can become united. In order to reach samadhi or higher consciousness (lift the energy to the crown chakra), our lower chakras need to be in balance and harmony, so that the higher chakras can also open. In order for us to balance this, we need to take care of ourselves, our mutual home, our planet, and each other, and now more than ever so. We need to start building the energy from the bottom up, so that we can feel united and lift the energy up to the crown chakra, our last and seventh chakra and become united. We need to start with the basics.
We’ve clearly been exploiting mama earth and too focused on the material plane (first chakra), which is why now we are being shaken to the core in this energy center. This overcompensation and exploitation of natural resources has no reached a point, where we have an opportunity for change, to become more united. Interestingly enough, from an energetic point of view, when you think about the origin of where the virus stems from, it’s from a food market with animal products. And this is part of the problem and key causes of global warming: animal agriculture. We’ve been consuming and using meat and animal products that are not necessary for all to live and particularly in the amounts that many are consuming. The heavy and toxic energy from dead animals transforms to energy too, which is something we’ve been carrying in our fields of energy.
Now, we are asked to to wake up, think about our choices when it comes to consumerism, our diet and health. But without being too hard on ourselves. Surely there’s a bigger picture here at play and a call for a collective wake up. That doesn’t mean you need to stop being human. We are all in this together and we need to come together and support each other, but we also need to take care of ourselves and our health. Fear lowers the immune system, which is why it’s even more important than ever to stay connected to ourselves through self-care, a healthy diet and exercise (did someone say yoga?). You know what else helps; HUMOR. I think just like with everything in life, balance is key. Don’t be hard on yourself for enjoying your Ben & Jerry’s or binge watching your favorite Netflix show, while everyone else is posting their workout videos. Because self-help can mean a lot of different things and this is also a time to rejuvenate, relax and destress. Take this time to do you. And if you’ve had a breakdown or two, that’s okay too (🙋🏼♀️). This is the human experience. I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster during this time too and just because I am analysing the energetics of the situation, doesn’t mean I have it figured out. But I try to remind myself that, the only constant is change, and this too shall pass and luckily there are ways to work things out.
Here are 10 tips for the handling the situation:
Buy a voucher from a struggling local business.
Boost your immune system & get your vitamins! Tip: If you live in Helsinki, I highly recommend ordering a berry snack in form of a Quarantine package from Bär Bar
Stay connected to your body. Practice yoga & meditate! Tip: You can check out our online community on Facebook with a local studio here in Helsinki. I had a class yesterday for stabilising the Root Chakra
Make sure to maintain healthy diet and get your exercise going! Tip: Check out my fave PT Kanerva Ahonala and her e-course Paremmille Tavoille (Improve your Ways), which is an e-course for making healthier choices with your diet. Only in Finnish tho.
TURN OFF THE NEWS. You don’t need to read every single news there is - instead you can use this energy into something else. read book or listen to ebooks. Tip: If you’re into spirituality or want to learn more, join me and Jonna Monola for our online course Sacred Ceremony with two guided meditations, and ebook and two yoga practices.
Get your creative juices flowing or start a new project/course/hobby: paint, draw, sing, dance. Tip: Here’s a playlist I made to calm down your nervous system. Or sign up for an online class! I just signed up for Yale’s most popular class for free: How to be happier in your daily life
Nature. As long as we are still allowed outside, take a walk or go out for o run. Enjoy the sunshine. I promise you’ll feel better afterwards.
Gratitude. We are privileged. At the end of the day, we are told to stay home, not to go to war. That being said, you’re allowed to feel your feelings so don’t be hard on yourself if you do feel confused, sad, worried or fearful. It’s human, when you feel those lows try to direct your attention to the good stuff you already have.
Call your friends and loved ones. Tip: There’s a bunch of great apps such as Whereby and Houseparty, where you can talk to a group of friends simultaneously and host virtual wine parties/coffee chats or whatnots.
Laughter. There’s a reason they say laughter is the best medicine and I’ve seen some of the best memes ever during this time. A special shoutout to my meme sender and good friend, Eder, who always keeps me supplied with the funniest stuff. Please feel free to share your favorites with me too! Either by commenting or DM on instagram. Here’s a couple of my faves this far:
10 ways to use tech for your wellbeing
Greetings dear reader,
Nice that you found your way here, if you’re a frequent reader, I am glad that I didn’t scare you off 😂😱 with my most recent blog text, which certainly was written from a place of fire. I think it’s fair to say I have some frustration around being judged for sharing my love for yoga and it showed in my latest post. Perhaps it should go on my own list of “things to work on” and what can I say, I’m simply a passionate opinionated yogini and sometimes I let the sharpness pour into my writing and my blog is a way to funnel it. Either way, no matter if you’re a new or old reader, I am glad that you’re reading my scribbles and today’s post definitely has a softer tone 💛, think unicorns, cotton candy, daisies and marshmallows 🦄🌸 🍭 (sorry I took it too far there).
Okay dokay, well today I want to touch on a topic that might interest our tech and gadget loving humans: how to use tech for your wellbeing. The digital revolution is here and as it seems, it’s here to stay. Every industry is getting digitalized and unless you’re jumping on the bandwagon, you’re basically gonna struggle, or worse, not make it. This is also true for the wellness industry and there’s already a bunch of apps and gadgets out there that you can use to improve, measure and enhance your overall wellness. YAY. It’s also true for us yoga teachers as many of us use for instance the gram, blogging and vlogging as a way to reach more people.
I personally think it’s pretty dang nice that there’s a bunch of trinkets out there we can now use to actually measure and get data from. One of the coolest aspects about even the wellness industry getting digitalized is that now that there’s actually data and proof that displays the benefits, it makes more sense to invest in your wellbeing. And this again means, that the digitalization of wellness can serve a gateway to reach people who perhaps normally wouldn’t be interested in mindfulness, yoga or wellbeing in a holistic way. All around ah-mazing.
Alrighty then, so there’s a broad range of variety out there in terms of what you can actually measure, use and do for your wellness, but I decided to gather some of the most well known tools and apps and then also a few random ones that I know of. I personally use the Apple Watch and let’s just say I’m more or less in love with it. It gives me data on my workout goals, reminds me to breathe (I mean deep breaths and breaks) and is awesome for switching music during yoga classes (I don’t have to use my phone). Here we go:
The Apple Watch
Like I mentioned above, I use the Apple Watch for reaching my workout goals, reminders to take breaks to breathe, to measure how many steps I’ve taken per day, to change and adjust music during yoga classes and so much more more. Oh, and it’s also eye pleasing with its sleek black amazingness.
The Garmin Smart Watches
Similarly to the Apple Watch, Garmin has also launched a line of their own smart watches that you can use for comparable purposes as the Apple Watch. These smart little devices are also eye pleasing and they help you track your activity, then save, plan and share your progress with others.
Yogaia App & Website
Live and interactive yoga classes from anywhere. They have over 100 classes every week and a broad range of teachers and different classes. The cool thing is that you can actually turn your camera on and get live tips, feedback and cues from the teacher in real time.
Take your practice with you anywhere at any time. This useful app and website enables you to basically practice anywhere at any time. All you need is your app and a connection to the world wide web. One of my teachers, Satu Tuomela, whom I did my first Yoga TT with has several of her classes on this site.
Neurosonic therapy lounge divan
This is a new stress relief method developed in Finland that works through low frequency vibrations. There are three different programs you can choose from: recovery, relaxation and activation. It works kind of like a massage chair, but through vibrations, which are directed throughout the whole body. It has proven to be an astonishingly efficient method of recovery and there’s data on its efficiency. We happen to have one at our office, and it’s pretty damn stellar!!!
Yoga 15
Yoga 15 is an rad app thats message is pretty simple: EVERYONE has time to do a 15 min workout or stretching session every damn day! I met the beautiful founder and yogini Abi when I lived in Mexico and I remember how passionate she was about her work and app. She’s definitely gone along way and continues to share the love for the ancient practice in a modern way reaching both men, women, yogis, cyclers, runners and other sportsmen and -women! You go girl! PS. She also happens to have a gorgeous instagram feed.
Unless you’ve lived under a rock, surely you’ve heard of headspace!? I’m KIDDING, no, but this app is pretty darn fantastic and so wonderful for taking up meditation as a practice. They have hundreds of themed sessions on everything from stress and sleep to focus and anxiety My good amiga Lucy (who normally perhaps isn’t that into yoga or the wellness hype) swears on this lovely app. Love you mama.
Period Trackers: Flo, M. Cycles or Clue
YESSSS and yes yes yes. These apps are making life so much easier! Now you can use an app to track your “safe days”, ovulation and expected period. The apps will also give you insights throughout the month about how your body is working at specific times. It’s particularly good for those looking to be able to plan around their periods, perhaps if they're booking a holiday and would prefer not to be on, or for those looking to get pregnant. If you’re already expecting, there’s also an excellent app to track the pregnancy throughout its different stages.
This one is for the ones who love to run and cycle! Strava is already one of the most popular activity-tracking smartphone apps out there and I use this as well. You can also use it on your Apple Watch, that adds to the convenience of recording movement from your wrist, so you can leave you phone at home.
The Moon
This one goes out for moonchildren out there. This app is great for checking the moon phases as you can view the current phase of the moon, see the moon on the day you were born, share the moon with your friends, get notifications for upcoming moon events.
In addition to these, there’s actually an app that can track your dirty mouth and scold you for cussing and help you stop swearing. Obviously there’s ALOT of apps, tools and widgets out there and another topic I didn’t touch on is wellness related podcasts and inspiring instagram accounts to follow (later in life) but if you know of any other cool or useful ones, I’d love to learn more so please, do feel free to comment below.
An Apple Watch, Buddha, Zafiro jewelry, singing bowls and candles. What else do you need?
Alrighty then, let’s all now be tech-savvy wellbeing badasses and have a happy EASTER 🐣!!!
That’s all for now. Go eat them chocolate eggs.
Con amor,